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Scott Sub Tour eRIDE 10 Unisex

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SCO Bike Sub Tour eRIDE 10 Unisex S

Frame Sub eRIDE 6061 Alloy
Drive Unit Bosch Perfomance
Battery 625Wh PowerTube Battery
Display Purion Display
Charger 2A Charger
Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore 10 Speed
Shifters Shimano Deore 10 Speed
Crankset Miranda 172,5MM
Chainring 38T Chainflow
Chain KMC E10S
Cassette Shimano CSM4100 11-42T
Brake Levers Shimano BR-M200 Disc
Brakes Shimano BR-M200 Disc
Handlebar Syncros UC3.0 680mm / Rise 12mm/ backsweep 15?
H'Stem Syncros UC 3.0 adjustable
Seatpost Syncros 3.0 / 31.6mm / 350mm
Seat Selle Royale Essenza
Headset GW semi integrated
Front Hub Shimano FHRM35BZBL5 32H QR CL
Rear Hub Shimano FH-BRM 35 CL
Spokes BLACK spokes * F: 14G/ R: 13G
Rims Cross X17 Disc 32h
Front Tyre Schwalbe Energizer Active Plus 700x50c
Rear Tyre Schwalbe Energizer Active Plus 700x50c
Lights Lezyne Front Mini 70LUX 200LUMEN / Rear Superbright
Rack Racktime w/ spring clamp SnapIt 2.0
Pedals Syncros SP-828
Extras Abus 4750L ART approved / Battery Lock
Accessories Curana wide extruded fenders, Ursus Mooi Rear kickstand
Approx weight KG 29.5
Colours Grey
Sizes L, M, S, XS
Brand Scott
Model Year 2022
Barcodes 7615523333578, 7615523333585, 7615523333592, 7615523333608
SKUs / Part Numbers 286567004, 286567006, 286567008, 286567010

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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